Can-Eng Furnaces International Ltd
Wärmebehandlunganlagen und Öfen

Steel Plant Furnaces: Roller Hearth Plate Normalizing Furnace Systems


Can-Eng Roller Hearth Furnaces for plate normalize applications utilize a design methodology to minimize roll pick-up and produce the highest quality plates with very tight temperature uniformity.
Available in both electrically heated and gas fired designs, the systems come complete with a robust roll removal tool. Capable of processing plates up to 130" (3.3 m) wide and 4" (100 mm) thick.

- Normalize
- Capacity up to 60 metric tons/hr
- Fully integrated loading, normalizing and unloading
- Wide variety of process modes, batch, batch/continuous, continuous
- Special Energy saving burner technology utilized
- Level II Automation systems including product tracking available
- Ideal for plates up to 15 m (~50 ') long

Can-Eng Roller Hearth Furnaces for plate normalize applications utilize a design methodology to minimize roll pick-up and produce the highest quality plates with very tight temperature uniformity.

zuletzt aktualisiert am
Freitag, 7. März 2025