Trafileria Punteria Ghezzi
< 50

Construction and carpentry tools and nails


Trafileria Punteria Ghezzi, specializing in fasteners for over fifty years, produces and distributes construction and carpentry tools and nails.

- Ghezzi Tape Meter
- Picard Hammer
- Ruthe Hammers
- Crowbar
- Nail bucket
- Rod bending machine
- Legacci
- Doubl-head nails
- Flat head nails
- Large flat head nails
- Extra large flat head nails
- Stainless steel nails
- Chiodi acciaio temperato zincati
- Bend nails
- White annealed wire bobbins
- Black annealed wire
- Wall ties
- Spacer Wedges
- 15°/16° Electrowelded - Roofing Nails
- Roofing Nails
- Wall ties - Special with double notches
- Tying tools
- Troncatrici per tondini d'armatura
- Hand Tacker
- Hand stapler
- Galvanized conical concrete skip
- Self-discharging galvanized concrete skip
- Steel strapping

zuletzt aktualisiert am
Donnerstag, 9. Januar 2025
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