ibaAnalyzer is one of the most powerful tools created by iba. Once that data has been stored through any of our online systems such as ibaPDA, ibaQDR, ibaScope or iba-Logic the data-files (*.dat) can be analyzed online and offline using ibaAnalyzer. It is very common that an acquisition server such as ibaPDA is connected to a local network, which provides access to the data for multiple users interested in further analysis. Such files are found available via a network access. It is possible to analyze the files at the moment they have been stored giving the opportunity to have the latest information of the process available. It is also possible to configure ibaPDA in a way that it automatically starts an ibaAnalyzer analysis process of the last file stored.
Main advantages:
■ Freeware (with the purchase of an “online” system)
■ Graphic user interface, easy-to-use
■ NEW Online analysis of data files beeing written
■ NEW Powerful report generator for customized reports as print or file
■ OLE technology integration
■ Powerful mathematical formulas and expressions
■ Viewer modes Y/T, X/Y, FFT,Y/Longitude 3D-color & 3Dwire frame
■ Mathematically generated “virtual signals”
■ Digital Filter Design Box
■ Data export to an ASCII format
■ Data export to databases using ODBC (MS SQL, ACCESS, ORACLE...)
■Automatic presentations of file groups (slide show)
■ Creation of analysis to apply them to multiple files
■ Signal combination on equal or different scales
■ Allows to visualize analog and digital signals at the same time.
■ X-Y Zoom by steps
■ Autoscale