Quality data acquisition – today, for every manufacturer of high-quality products it is an essential part of the production process. The quality data recording system ibaQDR-V6 is based on PC technology and offers a transparent quality data acquisition with comfortable operation, wide range of interfaces and an efficient data management. The system has been optimized for rolling mills, processing lines and inspection plants in the metal industry but it can be used in other fields as well. Quality relevant data are for example:
■ Product dimensions (width, thickness, ....)
■ Profiles (coating layer, thickness crossprofile,...)
■ Production parameters (rolling force, tension,...)
■ Reference values and consumption figures etc.
A product-related analysis of quality data makes sense, if the relevant measured values can be mapped exactly to the product. In case of long products usually a lengthbased mapping of the data over the product is required, e. g. feet or meter-wise. It is this kind of data mapping which is performed by ibaQDR-V6, based on the previously timebased recorded data. The successively recorded data are mapped exactly to the position on the product where they belong to.
Functional Concept
The production plant should be divided in a number of sections (= measurement locations) where quality-relevant data develop. The recordings of measured data are separated by measurement locations at first with product-ID and position (length) related to the measurement location as part of the recorded data. There are as many data files as measurement locations. At the time a product is finished (e. g. by final cut of a strip at tension reel) the measured data and length referring to this product-ID are taken from the different files and merged into one product data file. This new file contains all measured data belonging to this product stored in a normalized manner with regard to the final length while the process-related elongation of the product is taken into account. Besides the productive coil files entry coil related files are stored too. The status of the recording is monitored continuously in a special window showing the current product-ID and length at the measurement location and whether a recording is running or not. Furthermore, file name and elapsed time are displayed. This is valuable information, particularly during commissioning of the system.
Quality Data Management
By means of the software ibaHistorian the recorded data can be made available to higher level systems, such as MES (Manufacturing Execution System) , DataWarehouse or customized applications in a simple and transparent database structure. Supported are ORACLE, SQL-Server, DB2-UDB and ODBC databases.In ibaHistorian statistical markers and parameters can be evaluated already during loading and made available for other systems.
■ PC-based quality data recording system
■ Lengthbased data recording for long products
■ Additional timebased recording
■ Time resolution 10 ms (lengthbased) and 1 ms (timebased)
■ Standard length resolution 1 m
■ Scalable number of measuring locations
■ Up to 256, 1024, 2048 or unlimited number of signals
■ Result of recording is one data file per product