Enterprise software

How can industry 4.0 integrate with logistics?

How can industry 4.0 integrate with logistics?

Ideas and technologies for Big Data Analytics application

In an era of increasing digitalization, logistics appears as an integral part of this process. Through innovative technological solutions, it is now increasingly possible to improve the connection and sharing of data along all stages of the supply chain, starting with manufacturing and ending with shipment and distribution, including machines, storage systems and software. Changes resulting from the application of logistics 4.0 develops along three main axes:

- partial o complete automation of processes;
- connection of data through the network;
- more effective decision-making.

What about companies?

The benefits companies will enjoy include both productivity, thanks to improved tracking of parts; and delivery speed, which will match more closely the customer expectations. Other benefits include the system integration, which is crucial to avoid data leakage; the diffusion of the omnichannel approach; and, last but not least, the standardization of information traveling through the different systems.

Over the past three years, many startups have sprung up internationally, providing hardware and software solutions for the logistics sector, a clear sign of a trend that is now common among companies. According to a survey by Contract Logistics and the Milan Polytechnic Observatory, 501 companies were born with this goal between 2019 and 2020, which amounts to a +57% increase. Among them, smeup proposes technological innovation solutions in full compliance with the business context.

What can smeup provide for your business?

smeup works through the collection and analysis of data that enable the classification and extraction of meaningful information regarding a specific topic. They also enable the forecasting of future trends, for example, from the perspective of material supply and storage. Finally, smeup provides support to those managing specific characteristics and needs, suggesting how best to administer it.

In practice, smeup technologies can be applied to:

- self-driving trucks that, thanks to wire-guided navigation technologies, laser guidance, markers, or QR codes, move by themselves;
- interconnected sensor systems that can automatically process real-time data and build prerequisites for goods tracking and process optimization, especially useful for warehouse operations;
- Autonomous Intelligent Vehicle (AIV) systems that enable trucks to detect and bypass obstacles, as well as communicate with each other and manage precedence and assign orders;
- AI-powered vision autonomous robots, which, thanks to a stereoscopic camera with Deep Learning capabilities, can move through the warehouse space.

smeup, thanks to its extensive expertise, can provide innovative solutions in various business sectors. In addition to logistics, the company is involved in developing document software, for digital and web marketing, Industrial IoT, human resource management solutions, and even design software.

If your company is also moving toward integrated logistics with 4.0 solutions, please do not hesitate to contact smeup via the contacts on the side. The company team will be happy to analyze your requirements and propose the best solution.

Tuesday, October 25, 2022
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