SASaudi Arabia

Gabaswire: ARAMCO witnesses the quality of the company's galvanized steel wire rope

Gabaswire: ARAMCO witnesses the quality of the company's galvanized steel wire rope

Gabaswire is proud to say that ARAMCO, officially the Saudi Arabian Oil Company, has approved its Galvanized Steel Wire Rope in July 2014. A team of engineers from ARAMCO visited the plant in June, 2014, to verify the whole production process and to witness the quality of the galvanized steel wire rope. ARAMCO's approval for galvanized rope of July 2014, with the previous one for ungalvanized steel rope that dates back to July 2013, are the recognition of the high quality level of the manufacturing process and quality system of the company. Gabaswire is also ISO 9001 certified by LRQA, API approved. The reasons for its success are to be found in its international team being in permanent contact with customers, to investigate their needs, to develop new wire rope designs and to help them to effectively complete their tasks. The whole staff at Gabaswire is keen to maintain stable and reliable business relations, competitive prices, excellent quality control procedures, as well as high standard customers' requirements.

For any extra detail, please contact, as follows:

Mr. Mohammed Ilyasuddin (Mark. Spec.)
     Mobile Phone: 00966 (0) 504649636
     e-mail: [email protected]  
Mr. Al-Olyani (Mark. and Sales Eng.)
     Mobile Phone: 00966 (0) 500844175
     e-mail: [email protected]
Also, Gabaswire invites you to visit its plant in the 2nd Industrial City in Dammam - Saudi Arabia to see the production quality and to meet its international experts.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014
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