Spring calculation: Mollificio Modenese raises the bar with Hexagon

Mollificio Modenese is taking precision in the control of its springs to a new level with the implementation of the Hexagon software for the calculation and verification of various spring types, including compression springs, tension springs, torsion springs, cup springs, strip springs, and more. This software provides a wide range of tools for spring design and sizing, ensuring reliable results and increased efficiency.
The Hexagon program allows for the spring calculation based on loads and available installation space, ensuring they are optimally designed for their specific application. Furthermore, the software performs recalculation of existing springs, assessing their fatigue resistance and the loads they are subjected to. If limits are exceeded, the program immediately signals errors or alarms, allowing for timely corrective actions.
One of Hexagon’s distinctive features is its ability to generate detailed graphical outputs, including characteristic curves, loads, stresses, and drawings of the springs themselves. This data can be printed or directly imported into CAD programs or word processing software, further streamlining the design and production process.
Hexagon also includes a material database that provides crucial data such as elastic modulus and wire diameter factors for a wide range of spring wires. This simplifies the selection of the best materials for each application. Additionally, the software offers drawing tools, allowing engineers to visualize calculated springs at different working lengths and easily import results into CAD programs.
With this update, Mollificio Modenese is raising the bar even higher in controlling its products’ quality. The Italy-based company can now rely on greater precision and efficiency in designing and manufacturing high-quality springs for its applications. For more information or technical inquiries about the company products, we invite you to contact the sales team using the provided contact details.