Mollificio Torri

Single and double torsion springs


Torsion springs find application in many industrial fields: automotive, seating systems, mechanical engineering, electromechanical engineering, manufacturing, clothing, jewelry, and toy industries, etc. The defining feature of this product is its ability to counteract the torsion exerted on the winding axis.

The range of torsion springs that Mollificio Torri manufactures and distributes is from 0.3 to 6.00 mm for single torsion, and from 0.35 to 3.50 mm for double torsion springs.

Single and double torsion springs are available in the following materials:

- carbon spring steels according to EN10270-1, SM-SH-DM-DH and with phosphating or pre-galvanizing pretreatments;
- stainless spring steels according to EN10270-3, Aisi: 302 - 304H -316.

All torsion springs can be subject to phosphating, galvanizing (black, white), painting and heat treatments.

For more information on Mollificio Torri's range of single and double torsion springs, please feel free to contact the company through the references on the side.


last updated on
Tuesday, February 25, 2025
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