PSM CELADA Fasteners
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Fasteners for plastics


Fasteners for plastics

The application of plastics to engineering design cuntinues to increase. To make full use of a wide range of plastic materials available, designers need a similarly wide range of fastening systems. Many fastenings systems are available, but for the majority of engineering assemblies provision must be made to allow for simantling for adjustment, servicing or repair. This usually means that a mechanical fastening system is essential.

If your design calls for a threaded insert or stud to be installed in your plastic, PSM CELADA has a fastener to suit your application. Ours Application Engineers are always available to help you choose the most suitable fastener for your specific requirements and can offer pre-production test facilities and provide accurate performance statistics for your installation condition.

Sonic-Lok® - Rapid installation into thermoplastics by heating or ultrasonic
Elisert® - Thread insert for thermoplastic and thermoset materials
Screw-Sert® - Self-tapping insert for thermoplastic and thermoset materials
Press-Lok® - Press-in self locking insert for thermoplastics
Duro PT® Screw
- Thread forming screw for thermosetting
PT® Screw - Thread forming screw for thermoplastics
Flo-Tech® - Thread insert for mouldin-in
Banc-Lok® - Press-in expansion insert for thermosets
Spiro® - Designed for thermoset materials
Heat-Lok® - Designed for hot insertion into amorphous thermoplastics
Fin-Lok® - Press-in expansion insert for thermoplastic materials
Mini-Tech® - Miniature insert with Tech-Sonic® design
Tech-Sonic® - Designed for rapid installation into thermoplastics

More informations here. 

last updated on
Saturday, January 11, 2025
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