Gloser Srl Marketing & Technology
Machines for electric cables and optical fibers
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The OPGW cable sector can rely on Gloser's new planetary strander

The OPGW cable sector can rely on Gloser's new planetary strander

Gloser introduces its new planetary strander, designed to facilitate the production of 630 mm OPGW (Optical Ground Wire) cable reels and revolutionize processing with advanced technologies that combine reliability, precision, and flexibility.

OPGW (Optical Ground Wire) cables combine electrical and telecommunications functionality. In addition to providing lightning protection for electric transmission lines, they integrate optical fibers within the cable itself for data transmission. These cables are primarily used in overhead high-voltage power grids, serving a dual purpose: shielding (against electrical discharges) and data transmission through optical fibers.

Gloser's new planetary strander is an indispensable machine for manufacturers of this type of cable, and here’s why.

Greater control over cable twist

 One of the most innovative aspects of Gloser's planetary strander is the gear-driven backtwist system, which ensures maximum reliability throughout the production process. Backtwist is a crucial step in OPGW cable production, as it reduces internal stress during stranding, ensuring a final product that is uniform and free of structural defects.

Consistent Wire Tension Gloser has integrated a dual wire tension control technology into the planetary strander, combining a hysteresis brake with a mechanical brake. This solution provides precise control over the forces applied to the wires during processing, minimizing the risk of wire breakage or irregularities. The system ensures that the cables produced meet technical specifications even under variable operating conditions.

Digital control of stranding parameters

 Another strength of Gloser's planetary strander is the ability to adjust stranding parameters directly from the HMI (Human-Machine Interface), thanks to individually driven components. This feature allows for flexible production management, facilitating configuration changes and reducing downtime. The ability to remotely collect data and perform maintenance ensures high operational efficiency and continuity in production.

Since 1999, Gloser Marketing & Technology has been providing solutions to optimize wire and cable production processes. The company designs custom-built special machines, ensuring high quality control throughout the entire production flow.

Tuesday, October 22, 2024
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