Online fair Machines Machines for electric cables and optical fibers Maillefer Extrusion Oy Products
Line control software for wire and cable production lines
Line control software for wire and cable production lines
State-of-the-art software/hardware to ensure process control and automation of production lines for wire and cable applications.
Available types:
- Cooling Calculation Program NCL
- Curing Calculation Program NCC
- Curing Calculation Program NSS
- Line Control Autocure 4.1
- Line Control Autocure 4.1S
- Line Control Autoextrusion 4.1
- Line Control Autoextrusion 4.1S
- Line Control Autoextrusion Opto 4.1
- Line Control Autorewind 4.1
Belonging categories:
- Tube machinery •
- Machines for electric cables and optical fibers •
- Other machines for cables and optical fibers •
- Taping machines