Screws and bolts making machines

OMC-Wirelombardia to present its newest remote acceptance service

OMC-Wirelombardia to present its newest remote acceptance service

In such complicated times, it is essential for companies to renew themselves and find alternative methods to carry out everyday activities in complete safety. This is the case of OMC-Wirelombardia, which has wisely activated a new remote service, the online Factory Acceptance Test (F.A.T.), to favour its customers.

This technology allows the final customer to interface directly with the company to perform online acceptance operations, thus minimizing travel, promoting social distancing, and making the whole process virus-proof. The primary purpose of this service is indeed meeting the needs of those who cannot travel easily, because of the restrictions due to the pandemic — some of which are still in force.

This new type of acceptance has been operational since the beginning of May (concurring with the end of the Italian lockdown) and is therefore well tested: it backs up and thus does not replace the excellent remote assistance service that has long distinguished the Italian company.

OMC-Wirelombardia, headquartered in Italy, designs and manufactures quality machinery for the fastener industry. Engineered to improve production processes, the company’s equipment aims at maximum yield and a first-class finished product.

Thursday, July 9, 2020
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