Screws and bolts making machines
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Pointing, drilling and broaching with a single machine: the DOM-16 by Saspi

Pointing, drilling and broaching with a single machine: the DOM-16 by Saspi

Talleres Saspi, a well-known specialist in the fastener industry, has been providing a variety of sectors with top-class machinery for more than 50 years. The main market outlets are many and include aerospace, automotive, industrial, and construction.

Speaking of the aerospace industry, today’s article is about the DOM-16 second operation machine designed and manufactured by Talleres Saspi. This model features two workstations that allow simultaneous punching and drilling of the parts. Moreover, its fully motorized configuration (centering, rails, top track, cutting depth) and a high-precision touchscreen-controlled centering system ensure quick and easy changeover operations. The DOM-16 model aims at reducing vibrations and manufacturing top-class products by holding the parts as close to the end as possible during the pointing, facing, or drilling process, regardless of the length.

The DOM-16 is used for pointing, facing, drilling, and broaching a variety of materials, from steel alloys to aerospace-industry-specific materials, such as titanium and Inconel, and is best suited for the production of high-volume Hi-Lok parts. Speed, precision, and versatility are what makes this type of machine stand out in this very delicate field.

For technical details, please click here >>>

Sunday, July 12, 2020
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