Metal strip and sheet cold rolling mills
For rolling metal strip and sheet, INVIMEC is recognised as a world leader and the first company to have introduced the rolling train concept to the jewellery industry.
The company produces models to suit all the changing needs of strip chain manufacturers (ball chain, foldover, box, stamped, popcorn and all other types) and semi-finished goods, as the market continues to evolve.
INVIMEC strip rolling mills and line rolling machines with the train system make it possible to automate the production process of semi-finished goods, eliminating problems related to costs and to finding specialised personnel.
What is more, INVIMEC rolling trains reduce waste and the possibility of rolling errors so that subsequent processing by the chain machines can proceed without problems.
Multi-stand mill ENNE130
Multi-stand mill ENNE150
Multi-stand mill ENNE104
Finishing rolling mill QR48 Quarto
Reversible mono-stand mill QR65
Multi-stand rolling mill ENNE245
- Tube machinery •
- Wire drawing machines •
- Cold rolling machines •
- Other machines for tube processing
- Wire tools •
- Tools for tubes •
- Rolling rolls •
- Other tools for wire