Olimpia 80 srl
Tube machinery

In-line tube cutting equipment


Olimpia 80's offer also includes several in-line tube cutting machines, which can even be adapted to existing lines.

Cold disk saw cutting machine (HSS and TCT blades): allows cutting tubes with speeds up to 180 m/min and is supported by an automatic management program. It can also optimize the positioning of the disc and the number of cuts, and control the feed rate.

Flying shear cutting machine: 2 hydraulically controlled tools controlled through a hydraulic and electronic system allow cutting the tube at a maximum speed of 10 m/min.

Double-blade vertical cutting machine: designed for processing large round, square and rectangular tubes, it allows to complete the cutting cycle in a short time and simplifies the blade reset procedure. This solution also features a clamping system and works at a maximum speed of 80 m/min.

Tube cutting machines branded Olimpia 80 can also have the option of sample tube cutting without slowing down the normal speed of the production line.

In addition to the main systems, flying cutting units with friction saw are also available.

For any inquiries or requests for quotation, please contact Olimpia 80 directly.


last updated on
Tuesday, February 25, 2025
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