Spring multiformer machines
All multiformers supplied by Koradi are made of high-quality materials and excellent components, equipped with precise, robust and efficient mechanics. They are also provided with B&R electric brushless servomotors and ZF precision low-play servo gearboxes.
GX40 Multiformers (PDF)
The GX-40 multislide is equipped with 14 standard axes (though up to 18 axes can be implemented). Thanks to its innovative technique, it is possible to produce springs and extremely complex bent wire parts easily and at high rates. In addition to rotating the quill and wire, the entire upper fold assembly unit moves sideways and can rotate on itself.
The 7 radial slides come with the "lateral swing" movement, controlled by an additional axis. The standard set up includes 2 probes and 4 programmable ON / OFF pneumatic cylinders. Provided with precise, robust and efficient mechanics, it is equipped with electronic and brushless servomotors produced by B&R and precision low-play servo gearboxes by ZF. The machine can be completed with 2 spinners, 1 servo cutter and 1 looping machine.
Multiformer HX
The position of the quill has no limits! This is the innovative concept of these new multi-sliders up to 21 axes, designed to produce high-speed, extremely complex bent springs and wire parts. In addition to the rotation of the quill and wire, the whole group moves on 3 independent and interpolating axes (X Y Z).
- Various machines and accessories •
- Wire processing machines •
- Tube machinery •
- Machines for sheet metal •
- Spring machines •
- Spring coilers •
- Multi-former for springs •
- Wire bending, forming and shaping machines •
- Strip bending machines •
- Tube bending machines •
- Spring end grinding machine