SAMP Group
Wire drawing machines

Building wire sheathing line + the SZ process


Engineered for in-line sheathing of pre-assembled cables with various thermoplastic materials using the SZ group.

SAMP has patented a system for the high speed manufacture of flexible cables.
Designed with a dedicated extrusion group, cables are practically stranded  at the point of extrusion.

Conductors and filler are then separated by a fine layer of plastic material, meaning that traditional talc powdering stations are no longer required, with all the obvious environmental advantages that this entails.
A submerged torsion-locker caterpillar keeps the cabling in place as the plastic sheath cools immediately after the extrusion group.
It is therefore possible to keep the pitch and still produce at surprisingly high speed.

Process types:
Co-extrusion: simultaneously filling and sheathing
Tandem extrusion: two extrusion groups, one for filling and one for sheathing

Line types
BS B1: SZ group, co-extrusion filling/sheathing system
BS B2: SZ group, 2 tandem extruders for tandem filling/sheathing and filling+sheathing+skin
BS B3: SZ group with patented system and 2 tandem filling/sheathing extruders

Technical features and advantages
+ Reduction of production times by incorporation of 2 processes(laying-up and sheath)
+ Production flexibility that allows the use of different materials
+ Working in continuity without stopping due to changes reels
+ Different pulling elements like dual capstans and caterpillar
+ Wide range of solutions for pay-off/take-up from or on reels/barrel
+ Automatic double coilers

last updated on
Wednesday, January 15, 2025