Tecno Impianti Srl
Wire drawing machines

Machines for fasteners and chains


Tecno Impianti S.r.l. designs and manufactures a wide range of machines for fasteners and chains.


In-line wire drawing machines Mod. SKP – to calibrate wire in line with cold heading machines and machines for the production of chains.


-          Saving on costs for starting material: raw or semi-finished wires are used instead of drawn wire;

-          Material is more workable, because it is slightly hot when entering into the cold heading machine.

-          Greater duration of the equipments of the cold heading machine: the wire is drawn shortly before entering into the cold heading machine and so it has no superficial damages that usually occur during material handling.

-          Elimination of the problem of hardening from aging (stainless steel).

-          Low operating costs: the operator is the same of the cold heading machine and the wear and tear and the consumption of lubricants and dies are limited.

-      Better productivity: the cold heading machine is not fed by the uncoiler anymore, so the wear and tear of its tools decreases remarkably; moreover, different dimensions of wire coils do not affect the cold heading machine anymore and the problem of shorter cut-offs can be minimized as much.

-      Reduced stock-in-trade: in some cases from a sole wire rod diameter it is possible to get several diameters of final drawn wire.


Tecno Impianti can supply a wide range of in-line wire drawing machines. It designs and manufactures 16 basic models for wires from 2 to 35 mm. Each model can be customized and modified according to any kind of requirements.

All machines are equipped with variable-speed drive (Inverter).


Power-driven uncoilers Mod. AP – to uncoil and pre-straighten wires of medium and big diameters, in line with cold heading machines, in-line wire drawing machines mod SKP or drawing bullblocks mod. MO/P.

They allow the wire to advance easily till the following operating machine.

These uncoilers are available in 3 basic models, everyone realizable also in the version with two coil-holding arms, and can be customized by using different accessories: rotating base, cutting-off unit, additional series of straightening rolls.


Drawing bullblocks with horizontal axis Mod. MO/P – an alternative solution to the drawing of wire in line with cold heading machines. In this case the wire is drawn "off-line" on a drawing bullblock with horizontal axis and collected on a coil-holding reel that is then transferred to the heading department.

Tecno Impianti manufactures 4 basic models for different wire diameters.

These drawing lines can be equipped also with a compactor and a strapping unit, which are particularly useful for the production of compacted bound coils of wires of medium and big diameters that can be then installed on the power-driven uncoilers mod. AP.


Drawing bullblocks with vertical axis Mod. MV – for the "off-line" drawing of thin and medium wires diameters. The drawn wire is collected on a coil-holding reel that is directly installed on the drawing capstan, or by a spooler.


Pointing machines Mod. AT – essential to make the point to the wires by rolling process and thus to allow its threading into the drawing die.

Tecno Impianti manufactures 9 models, with either two or four rolling cylinders.


Hydraulic push-pointers Mod. T – to make easier the pointing of wires of medium and big diameters when it becomes difficult to manipulate the extremity of the coil and to make the point with traditional methods.

The machine is available in 3 different models, according to the maximum diameter to be used, and is installed directly in line with the drawing machine.


Feeding / Pre-straightening machines Mod. PR – installed before the in-line wire drawing machines, the drawing bullblocks or the cold heading machines, in case there are vertical uncoilers devoid with feeding and pre-straightening rolls.

They facilitate the introduction of the wire in pre-straightened form in the following operating machine. They are available in several models, according to the wire diameter to be used.


Feeding / Pre-straightening units Mod. PR-skp –installed at the exit of the in-line wire drawing machines that works with wires of medium and big diameters; they are used to bring the drawn wire to the feeding rolls of the cold heading machine.

last updated on
Thursday, January 9, 2025
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