Die inspection equipment

Mikrotek offers a wide range of equipment models developed for inspection and examination of dies.
These instruments are used for critical examination of die profiles. The company provides 3 different models, based on various needs. All Mikrotek microscopes are supplied with the die ring and illumination for the top and bottom.
- Stereoscopic zoom Microscope – MXT
This MXT model is a superbly designed stereoscopic zoom microscope used for critical examination of reduction angle and bearing length of diamond and tungsten carbide dies. This model covers the die sizes from 0.100mm to 15.00 mm. Standard magnification available is 7x to 45x. The magnification can be raised up to 180x with optional lenses.
- Monocular Microscope MC 1.26
This MC 1.26 is a monocular diamond die inspection microscope model used for critical examination of diamond die profile from top to bottom. This model covers the die size range of 0.010mm to 1.500 mm. Standard magnification available are 25x, 50x and 100x fixed.
- Monocular Microscope MTCM
Model MTCM Monocular Microscope is used for critical examination of die profile reduction angle and bearing length of Tungsten Carbide dies. This model covers the size range of 0.100mm to 6.000 mm. Standard magnification is 5x, 10x, and 25x fixed.
All these microscopes are supplied with the die ring and the necessary illumination for the top and bottom viewing.
- Digital Diameter Gauge (DDG)
The Digital Diameter Gauge (DDG) is used for quick checking of die sizes with the help of an optical image and customized measuring software. The size checking is accurate and measurement is done within 5 to 10 seconds per die.
Two models are available: 0.005mm to 2.000mm and 0.100mm to 8.000mm.