Special purpose machines - sinter press, hydraulic wire puller

Mikrotek specializes in manufacturing sinter presses, and hydraulic wire pullers, which are essential equipment for various aspects of the diamond die industry.
- Sinter press - MSP 1030
Mikrotek has designed and developed customized sinter presses for mounting diamonds into casings, fully automatic and using PLC systems for accurate control of temperature and pressure. They can achieve temperatures up to 1,200°C (+/- 5 deg) and pressure up to 60 +/- 0.5 bar.
- Hydraulic wire puller - MHWP 10, MHWP 25
The Model MHWP is used for drawing the straight rod or wire for accurate size checking and roundness. The drawn rod or wire length is good enough to directly use on wire polishing machines to size and polish the die. These pullers are equipped with a hydraulic power pack and precision wire dog to hold the wire or rod firmly.
Available models are:
- MH WP 10 (range from 0.50 to 10.00 mm)
- MH WP 25 (range from 2.00 to 25.00 mm)