Rollers and coatings
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No more worn-out capstans with Paganoni

No more worn-out capstans with Paganoni

PAGANONI offers its customers all over the world a service for the renovation of their worn-out capstans.
This service consists in recovering the geometry of those parts that are worn out because of the contact with wire, and in treating the surface with own special coatings.

The company applies its KERBLACK® coating - a ceramic coating – on the climb-up zone. This area, in fact, is the most subject to strain and wearing because of the skidding. This coating is particularly suitable for dry wire-drawing processes aimed at the production of high, medium and low carbon steel, stainless steel, copper and generally all types of ferrous and non-ferrous wires.

Generally, during this service, the capstan is also internally cleaned with the purpose of removing any limestone deposit, which can prevent the correct cooling of the part. The service in this case is completed by the application of a product that slows down the re-building of limestone deposits.
The company can also work on other areas of the capstans that may need reparation.
PAGANONI's technical staff can support the customer in order to get better results from wire products and help to be a step ahead as for the quality.
Once the renovation is completed, the capstan is as functional as a new one and gives the user excellent results in terms of wire quality. The refurbishment of capstans is always economically efficient.
A lot of customers all over the world regularly use this renovation service for their capstans, cones and pulleys.
For more informations, please contact the PAGANONI.

Saturday, October 31, 2015