Adolfo Felisati & C. Snc
Embalaje y almacenaje

Special papers for storing


In recent years we have enriched our catalog with a wide range of “special papers” to protect the materials from external agents, moisture, corrosion, leakage or simple isolation. Paper, cardboard, aluminum, fabrics, are just some of the possibilities to realize the lamination of the materials and make them fit for their final use.

Among the various treatments we remember the lamination with “bitume” a process which ensures resistance to moisture and insulation. Furthermore it is possible to reinforce the products with vowen fabric and jute in addition to particular films, thus ensuring a very high resistance to external agents.

The “waxing” which gives a barrier against moisture and grease, in addition to a great resistance to the discharge of liquids. The wax paper can be simple or crepe and can be made using different types of paraffins and waxes to best meet the client’s specific requirements. The lamination with bitumen guarantees the treated material a great waterproofing and protection against corrosive agents and it is the ideal solution for packaging that must be protected from water and other liquid elements.

These and other processes allow us to offer a wide range of materials in choosing the right solution to the covering and protection of your products.

actualizado por última vez el
miércoles, 15 de enero de 2025
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