Can-Eng Furnaces International Ltd
Tratamiento termico

Steel Plant Furnaces: Plate Quench and Temper Furnace Systems


Can-Eng Roller Hearth Furnaces for plate quench and temper applications utilize a design methodology to minimize roll pick-up and produce the highest quality plates with very tight temperature uniformity.
Available in both electrically heated and gas fired designs, capable of processing plates up to 130" (3.3 m) wide and 4" (100 mm) thick. The systems come complete with a robust roll removal tool allow quick roll replacement with uninterrupted production.

- Quench and Temper
- Capacity up to 60 metric tons/hr
- Fully integrated loading, austenitize, quenching, tempering and unloading
- Roller Spray Quenching technology
- Wide variety of process modes, batch, batch/continuous, continuous
- Protective atmsophere option is available
- Special Energy saving burner or resistance heating technology utilized
- Auto recuperative or regenerative burners are available
- Level II Automation systems including product tracking is available
- Ideal for plates up to 50 ' (15.5 m) long

Can-Eng Roller Hearth Furnaces for plate quench and temper applications utilize a design methodology to minimize roll pick-up and produce the highest quality plates with very tight temperature uniformity.

actualizado por última vez el
jueves, 6 de marzo de 2025
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