Foire en ligne Équipements Porte-filières AITMAC, Inc Produits
Collapsible reels with mechanical, pneumatic or hydraulic release
Collapsible reels with mechanical, pneumatic or hydraulic release
By Appiani
Take apart reels for coils. Barrel can be made by collapsing sectors or by a cardboard drum. The barrel collapsing can be provided mechanically (by a central screwed ring, by screwed rods or by a central bolt), hydraulically or pneumatically.
Take apart reels capable to lift the coil after the reel opening are also available. This reel type is supplied together with reel tilters and special equipments to handle the coil.
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Belonging categories:
- Machines à tréfiler •
- Machines pour le travail du fil •
- Machines pour tube •
- Laminoirs à froid •
- Machines pour la production de treillis métalliques •
- Autres machines pour le formage du fil •
- Machines à redresser, chanfreiner et roder •
- Tréfileuses à sec •
- Tréfileuses par voie humide