Carris Reels
Bobine, cabestani e aspi
USStati Uniti d'America

Plastic and hybrid reels


Three new reels have been developed by Carris Reels. The newly designed reels are called Hybrid Reels as they are comprised of several materials including recycled polypropylene flanges, paper tubes and metal bolts. Three flange diameters can be matched with varying traversed paper tubes for capacity flexibility. Sizes currently include.

10 ½” dia X any traverse length X 4” bbl dia with 1 9/16” arbor
11 ¾” dia X any traverse length X 5” bbl dia with 1 9/16” or 2 1/16” arbor
13 ½” dia X any traverse length X 5” bbl dia with 1 9/16” or 2 1/16” arbor

The Hybrid Reels are intended for capacities from 25 lbs to 100 lbs and can be shipped assembled or unassembled. The reels are compatible with both Hall and Windak machines as well as all other take up equipment. Coming soon from Carris will be a new 15 ¾ inch diameter flange for even larger hybrid reels.
Other new plastic reels newly introduced by Carris Plastics in VA are the one piece recycled High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) spools (6 ½” x 4 ½ x 2 1/8”). In addition, Carris offers an entire family of HDPE reels (that are spin welded to PE extruded barrels) including flange diameters 8 ½”, 10 ½”, 11 ¾” and 13 ½”.

ultimo aggiornamento:
lunedì 3 marzo 2025