Fiera online Impianti & trattamenti Automazione, impianti elettrici e bordo macchina Maillefer Extrusion Oy Prodotti
Cable guiding and measuring for wire and cable production lines
Cable guiding and measuring for wire and cable production lines
Maillefer manufactures and sells cable guiding and measuring devices for insulation and sheating lines.
Low, medium, high and extra voltage cables insulation and sheating
- Belt Length Measuring Device BLMD 200
- Belt Length Measuring Device BLMD 70
Low, medium, high and extra voltage cables & fiber optics insulation and sheating
- Belt Length Measuring Device BLMD 40
Belonging categories:
- Macchine per tubi •
- Macchine per cavi elettrici e fibre ottiche •
- Altre macchine per cavo e fibra ottica •
- Nastratrici