Fiera online Impianti & trattamenti Automazione, impianti elettrici e bordo macchina Maillefer Extrusion Oy Prodotti
Cooling systems wire and cable production lines
Cooling systems wire and cable production lines
All Maillefer's cooling systems are configured based on your process and cooling capacity needs and the minimized use of valuable floor space.
Low voltage cable and fiber optic insulation, sheathing
Cooling System MCS 100
Building wire insulation
Cooling System MCS 20 C
Fiber optic secondary coating, sheathing
Cooling System MCS 20 F
Low voltage cable, MV, HV & EHV insulation, sheathing
Cooling System MCS 200
Belonging categories:
- Macchine per tubi •
- Macchine per cavi elettrici e fibre ottiche •
- Altre macchine per cavo e fibra ottica •
- Nastratrici