Zumbach Electronic AG
Sistemi di controllo e verifica

In-line laser device for measuring straightness on rods and tube



In-Line straightness measurement using precise non-contact laser diameter gauges

This non-contact measuring solution opens tremendous potential to tube and bar manufacturers for in-line quality assurance and is achieved without laborious, manual measurements. Many manufacturers of pipe and steel bar are constantly challenged to respect straightness specifi cations that are signifi cant criteria's of quality. Manual inspection stations are off ering only punctual checks without having the entire production under control. ZUMBACH's BENDCHECK system is installed in-line and measures the straightness of every single product passing through the measuring station without slowing down the production process.

Specifi c advantages of BENDCHECK

• Synchronous real-time scan to monitor bending of the product

• Optional head and tail bending with additional measuring stations

• 1-, 2- or 3-axis laser measuring stations available depending on product and application

• Direct integration into the production process (customer specific installation)

• Quality assurance after the straightening process; Important to the steel industry

• Collection of statistics for traceability reasons

• No time-consuming and laborious checks with manual tools or off -line stations


ultimo aggiornamento:
lunedì 16 dicembre 2024