Ceeco Bartell
Macchine per cavi elettrici e fibre ottiche
USStati Uniti d'America

125 mm strip armouring machine for armoured cables and flexible conduits production


125 mm strip armoring machine is used for the production of armoured cables and flexible conduits. It is suitable to armour building cables (MC & AC), ESP cable (Electrical Submersible Pump), data, fiber optic, safety & fire alarm cables.

The strip armouring uses profiled flat strip, interlocked on itself, to provide a low cost physical protection for energy, instrumentation, coaxial, data and fiber optic applications. Ceeco Bartell strip armouring machine program combines material and profile design to suit current performance based on specifications and customer specific requirements.

    Max. design speed:1000 RPM.
    Max. operating speed: 800 RPM (500 RPM for flat cables).
    Max. line speed: 35 FPM (11.0 m/min).
    Max. strip feed speed: 450 FPM.
    Strip coil package: 36” OD x 12” Width (900 x 300 mm) with 1500 lbs. (700 Kg) weight.

Armoured cable manufactured on 125 mm machine complies with many electrical standards and it is an alternative to rigid and aluminum conduit, allowing quick and easy installation.

    Suitable to produce flat and round armoured cables.
    Cable range from 8.5-127 mm (0.33 – 5.0 inches).
    Strip material: Galvanized steel, Stainless Steel, Aluminum, Monel.
    Strip width: 9.5 – 25 mm (⅜ - 1 inch).

The strip armouring machine comes with integrated drive & control package and auxiliary equipment to fulfill each application. Machine parameters are digitally monitored and controlled via a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) and a menu driven touch screen so that at each stage the operator is guided to obtain the desired machine operation.

For more information, please click here.

ultimo aggiornamento:
giovedì 23 gennaio 2025
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