Fiera online Macchine & linee Macchine per trafilatura filo FUHR GmbH & Co. KG Prodotti
Three rolls ribbing head for ribbed, triangular or hexagonal wire
Three rolls ribbing head for ribbed, triangular or hexagonal wire
FUHR supplies three rolls heads for reinforcement or prestressed steels ribbing.
This components are fundamental to have an economic and technically superior production.
The TYPE WF - RIBBING HEAD can be used for the production of triangular or hexagonal (in two steps) profiles.
Designed in three rolls singly adjustable by hand, can be equipped, as an optional, with a motorized roll adjustment for all three rolls synchronously.
Belonging categories:
- Macchine per trafilatura filo •
- Macchine per laminazione a freddo •
- Bobinatori, matassatori e infustatori •
- Svolgitori e avvolgitori per filo e piattina •
- Trafilatrici a secco