Accessories for off-line diameter control and inspection

Headquartered in France, CERSA-MCI designs and supplies a complete portfolio of gauges and control systems for the wire, cable, optical fiber, and tube industries.
Furthermore, the company offers several accessories and optional to tailor its solutions to the customer’s needs (laboratory applications).
WSR - Wire Sample Rotation
Specifically engineered for the LDS Laser Diffraction System, this tool allows to rotate the fine wire samples, granting an accurate inspection at 360°.
FP - Foot Pedal
Designed for the LDS as an easier alternative to the WSR. This piece of equipment will allow you to manually trigger measurements and inspections while rotating the wire samples by hands.
SWB - Sample Wire Box
It features a set of 4 standard wires/rods calibrated in collaboration with recognized laboratories (like the NIST in the USA and the METAS in Switzerland) to be used as a reference on your instruments when checking stability.
LP - Label Printer
Let your customers know about all the quality inspection work behind every product. Print the results of your analysis and stick them on the final reels/spools.