Проверка и контроль

Measurement and defect detection instrument for bare fiber optics


CERSA-MCI is a leading brand name in the field of measuring systems.
The LISG - Laser Interferometric Sensor for Glass - by CERSA is a well-known and widely used device among the major fiber optic manufacturers around the globe when it comes to measure and monitor continuously the diameter of bare fiber during drawing operations.

It provides several benefits, such as:
- accurate diameter measurement;
- internal defect detection;
- spinning profile and frequency measurement.

Upgrading your line with LISG will allow you to monitor and adjust the process’ parameters in real-time with a great return on investment.
All CERSA’s products are backed up by the CIM PC software which provides a user-friendly display of production measurements and detected defects.

последнее обновление на
четверг, 6 марта 2025 г.