Leon Bekaert Spa
Металлическая проволока

Hard drawn phosphated and galvanized spring wire


Bekaert, specialist in wire drawing and surface coatings, features raw drawn spring wire with a huge variety of surface finishes ranging from standard galvanized to the most innovative like the Benzinal® range in zinc-aluminum.

Table of surface characteristics:

Coating type Coating composition Properties
Metallic coatings Zinc Good corrosion resistance
Bezinal® (ZnAl) High corrosion resistance
Bezinal® XP (ZnAl) Superior corrosion resistance
Bezinal® XC (ZnAl) Excellent coilability
Basic coatings Phosphate Good coilability
Metallic + passive coatings Bezinal® Color (ZnAl + polimero) Color coding
Bezalplast® (ZnAl + PET) Superior corrosion resistance + color coding

Diameters divided by surface coating >>

- plastic spool D300 / DIN355E;
- spool Z-type;
- metallic spools type G240 and 360.


последнее обновление на
пятница, 13 декабря 2024 г.
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