Belt caterpillars for cables, ropes, tubes or profiles
Stolberger, specializing in the design and production of machines for the cable industry, manufactures belt caterpillars for the hauling-off of cables, ropes, tubes or profiles.
The two belts, the pneumatic belt application and the drive are fitted in a common rigid
frame or housing. The caterpillar is set up on top of the factory floor without necessity of
Belt application and tensioning
Both endless belts are tensioned by two each pulleys. Pneumatic cylinders press the belts against the product through a balancing system with special tiebars and pressure rollers. Two independent pneumatic circuits control the clamping force and tensioning force by air pressure regulation valves.
Belt Drive
The belts can be driven from a line transmission shaft or by the own AC motor including a gearbox. As option, each belt can be driven by an individual AC drive and exactly synchronised via PLC.
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