Онлайн-ярмарка Станки Пружинонавивочные машины Pasquali Trading Srl Продукция
CNC wire bending machines Numalliance
CNC wire bending machines Numalliance
Pasquali Trading markets 2D and 3D wire benders. Numalliance CNC benders can have from 2 to 7 numerical axes and can bend wire from ø0.8 up to ø16 mm.
The advantage of these machines lies in the innovative method of bending and creating rays through the simultaneous axes interpolation.
In addition, this kind of machines is equipped with a real-time simulated touch screen.
Hereunder all Numalliance available machines:
FD | 3 numerical axes | Ø .12 - .47” |
F2xx | 2 numerical axes | Ø .12 - .48” |
F3x | 3 numerical axes | Ø .08 - .28” |
F4x | 4 numerical axes | Ø .04 - .2" |
ROBOMAC | 5 numerical axes | Ø .08 - .63” |
R21xx | 6 numerical axes | Ø .065 - .47” |
FRX | 7 numerical axes | Ø .03 - .16” |
FTX | 7 numerical axes | Ø .12 - .55” |
They are also available to develop machines and customized solutions based on customer's work.
Numalliance produces not only single machines, but also real sets of machines that completely end up also very complex parts.
Belonging categories:
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- Станки для производства труб •
- Пружинонавивочные машины •
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- Станки для гибки и формовки проволоки •
- Станки для гибки труб •
- Станки для отделки труб
- Металлическая проволока •
- Катанка •
- Тянутая проволока различного назначения •
- Оцинкованная проволока •
- Провод покрыт фосфатом