Онлайн-ярмарка Станки Пружинонавивочные машины Pasquali Trading Srl Продукция
Maintenance, assistance and retrofitting services for Montorfano machines
Maintenance, assistance and retrofitting services for Montorfano machines
Pasquali Trading Srl, reference point in Italy and Europe for the supply of CNC machines for wire and tube processing, also offers maintenance, assistance and retrofitting services for Montorfano machines all over Europe.
The company specializes in the assistance service for the following models:
- Serie 2000;
- Serie 2008/2010/2014;
- Serie GE 10/GE14;
- Serie Vire 2/3/4;
- Serie MT.
For more information please get in contact with the company by using the contacts on the left.
Belonging categories:
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- Станки для производства труб •
- Пружинонавивочные машины •
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- Станки для гибки труб •
- Станки для отделки труб
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