Drum stranders and cablers for concentric assembly
The primary components of any Drum Twister lines are; rotating take-ups, rotating pay-offs or, a combination of both.
Depending on application they are manufactured in different designs; Closed cradle, Open cradle (Trunnion), Fork type and Vertical type. Drum Twisters are suitable for the concentric assembly of:
Insulated conductors
Screening power cables
Stranded, round and sector conductors
Milliken conductors
Steel wire armouring
Instrumentation, data and control cable
Telephone cable
A Typical line for a multi-core power cable (Cabling/Armouring/Screening) consists of:
Rotating pay-offs (Closed, Open or Fork design)
Strand block/sector sensing/correcting unit
Multiple pay-offs to supply armouring/screening wires
Taping heads (metallic & non-metallic tapes)
Rotating haul-off unit
Rotating take-up (Closed, Open or Fork design)
Machine parameters are digitally monitored and controlled via a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) and a menu driven touch screen so that at each stage the operator is guided to obtain the desired machine operation.
More informations can be found here.
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