Онлайн-ярмарка Станки Станки для волочения проволоки GIMAX srl Продукция
Aluminum and non-ferrous wire chip removal machine
Aluminum and non-ferrous wire chip removal machine
SBA: Shaving for aluminium and other wire alloys
There are some specialised non-ferrous wire that require more specific machinery, in particular aluminium wire. The shaving process is an important aspect in the production of aluminium or other welding wire alloys and is extremely important in removing the oxide that forms on the surface of the wire.
- For small or large diameter wire
- Normally integrated with other machinery but also available as a stand-alone system
- Different types of dies can be used depending on wire alloy
- Water cooled die holders and capstan
- Removal of wire shavings
- Lubrication of wire during shaving process
- Adaptable to other similar types of wire that may need removal of surface oxidation
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