Wet drawing lines
The Gimax wet drawing unit, with its independently driven vertical capstans (capstans on a horizontal axis) combine most of the benefits of dry drawing line with a wet one, resulting in a machine with the most advanced technology available.
With its reduced footprint, easy access for maintenance and reduced set-up time, the unit offers cost savings in floorspace and labour. Other major features are a higher productivity with a better final quality of the wire helped by an efficient cooling and perfect alignment of the wire between capstan and die, as well as a reduction in energy consumption when compared to a normal slip type unit.
Belonging categories:
- Обработка проволоки •
- Прочее оборудование для проведения термической обработки или обработки поверхности
- Станки для волочения проволоки •
- Машины для намотки проволоки •
- Волочильные станки с жидкой смазкой •
- Волочильные станки сухого типа •
- Станки для снятия заусенцев, окалины и обдирки •
- Станки для выпрямления, снятия фасок и притирки •
- Разматыватель проволоки и катанки