QED Wire Lines Inc.
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Low Carbon Galvanizing Line


The low carbon wire galvanizing process is usually accompanied by in-line process annealing. This heat-treatment lowers the stresses introduced during wire drawing and increases the wire’s ductility. The oxidized wire surface (scale) resulting from annealing is removed by cleaning in acid (pickling) followed by rinsing and fluxing. The wires are submerged in liquid zinc for the hotdip galvanizing process. The galvanized surface provides a superficially protective coating against corrosion to the steel wire base. Commercial (minimum) coating and heavy zinc coatings can be applied on the same process line with our modular nitrogen and vertical pad wiping systems.

Galvanized Wire Products:
Barbed Wire
Armoring Wire
Coat Hangers
Welded Mesh
Staples & Nails
Guy Wire
Vineyard Wire

With production ranging from one to eight tons per hour and wire speeds ranging from DV=100 to over DV=250, QED has the experience and know-how in low carbon galvanizing. We combine state-of-the-art components with innovative designs and years of experience to give our customers the most reliable equipment.

Process Features:
High Speed Lines to DV=250
FastHeat™ Fluidbed Furnace
Multiple Stage HighTurbulence® Pickling
Flux Tank with High Efficiency Air Wipe
Mark 4 Advanced Recuperative Technology
Immersion Burners
Long Life Ceramic Lined Galvanizer
Advanced N2 and Vertical Pad Wiping

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среда, 15 января 2025 г.