Online fairevents
Cables 2025 (AMI)

Cables 2025 (AMI)

Starts on 3/11/25
Ends on 3/13/25
Cables 2025 (AMI)
Georg-Glock-Straße 20, Düsseldorf - 40474 (Düsseldorf), Germany

AMI's Cables event, a renowned fixture for the wire and cable supply chain, has thrived for 25 years, solidifying its status as the premier industry gathering. Cables serves as an indispensable platform for industry professionals to delve into the latest trends, advancements, and innovations, equipping you to maintain competitiveness and uncover novel business prospects. With ongoing investments in the cables sector, especially in the realms of electrification, e-mobility, and sustainability through circular initiatives and recycling, this event promises valuable insights. The next AMI Cables Conference is scheduled for March 11–13, 2025, at the Hilton Düsseldorf in Düsseldorf, Germany.

End-use applications, testing protocols, and more in the agenda

The agenda encompasses enlightening presentations and interactive sessions, delving into end-use applications, innovations, testing protocols, and manufacturing processes. The event is the perfect chance to update knowledge, foster professional networks, expand business horizons, and engage in collaborative endeavors with industry experts. The conference will host leading industry experts who will share their perspectives in stimulating speeches. The previous edition of the conference (the 24th) brought together over 250 delegates from across the globe, including leading cable producers and professionals from the entire wire and cable supply chain.

A focus among energy transition and HVDC cables among the topics

This event serves as a pivotal platform for industry stakeholders to delve into the latest trends, developments, and innovations across the wire and cable sector. Presentations cover an array of vital topics, including energy transition with a focus on renewable energy and HVDC cables, vehicle electrification, non-halogenated fire-resistant (FR) systems as an alternative to halogenated counterparts, discussions on LSFOH compounds, the selection of crosslinking technologies, emerging materials and processing techniques, supply chain challenges, legislative updates, the implementation of reliable testing methodologies, and an emphasis on sustainability aspects encompassing end-of-life solutions, carbon footprint mitigation, and the utilization of recycled resins.

AMI, the prominent event organizer

AMI is a prominent organizer of global events within the plastics industry, hosting over 50 events annually across Europe, America, Asia, and online. These events feature 800+ expert presentations and attract a substantial audience of over 5,000 plastics industry professionals. Their gatherings are tailored to specific topics, bringing together an international audience, including key stakeholders along the supply chain, from processors to end-users. AMI's events offer an ideal platform for attendees to stay updated on the latest market and technological developments in their respective fields.