Unsider - Ente di Unificazione Siderurgica
General associations

The non-profit association UNSIDER deals with the activities of voluntary technical standardization in the steel & cast iron sector and in the field of materials, equipment, and offshore structures for the oil and natural gas industries.

As a federated body from UNI, UNSIDER represents Italy at the European (CEN) and worldwide (ISO) standardization organizations.

Who are the members of UNSIDER?

They are manufacturers, distributors, processors, end customers, laboratories and research centers, university departments, and service centers. The members of the association take part in the standardization activities and benefit from all the services offered to achieve the institutional goals.

The representatives of the associates constitute the Technical Bodies of the organization which, on behalf of UNI, are in charge of elaborating the technical standards of the sector. UNSIDER provides its members with important tools to ensure the efficiency and effectiveness of the social economic system as a whole.