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The art of cold forging: Piloni Srl

The art of cold forging: Piloni Srl

Just as buildings require strong foundations to stand the test of time, companies also need a solid footing to grow, develop, and endure. In the case of Piloni, the pillars that have determined its success for over 80 years are customer satisfaction, quality, professionalism and technology.

By following these principles, handed down from generation to generation and applied in everyday life as if it were a mantra, the Piloni family was able to build brick by brick a company known and renowned worldwide in the field of small metal parts.

Semi-perforated rivets, bifurcated rivets, and pins for wheels: today, the Italian firm boasts a portfolio of about 14,000 different items in steel, stainless steel, aluminum, copper, and brass, with diameters ranging from 2 to 14 mm, and available for immediate delivery.

And that's not all! Piloni's real strength lies in the ability to tailor its offer to the customer’s needs. The company is able to manufacture custom-designed pins, either solid, semi-perforated, knurled or threaded, as well as screws with metric or inch threads, from M4 to M14.

For more information, take a look at the video below or contact Piloni Srl through the references on the left.

Sunday, December 20, 2020
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