Treatment equipment and furnaces

USUnited States of America
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RAD-CON, Inc. is a leading supplier of bell-type batch annealing furnace (BAF) equipment that uses a protective atmosphere of 100% hydrogen. Headquartered in USA, operating globally with more than 50% of the turnover outside the USA, RAD-CON specializes in one type of furnace BELL-TYPE, one type of process ANNEALING, and has very specific knowledge in SPHEROIDIZING while producing a CLEAN SURFACE that is FREE OF DECARBURIZATION.

RAD-CON has very specific knowledge in RECRYSTALLIZING COLD-ROLLED STRIP STEEL while producing a CLEAN SURFACE that is FREE OF STICKING, using a protective atmosphere of 100% HYDROGEN. RAD-CON offers the most advanced system available worldwide for annealing wire and wire rod, medium-carbon and alloy steels, to cold-heading quality (CHQ) specifications. Our H2SHC™ system provides the highest convection of any system to produce uniform mechanical properties necessary for the manufacture of high quality fasteners.

Our proportional control system design produces a stable thermal cycle that is a key to achieving 90%-100% spheroidization—which leads greater die life and better flow during the cold forming process. Our system uses a 100% hydrogen protective atmosphere along with our patented AC/APEx™ control system to ensure surface quality free of decarburization—another important element in the production of CHQ wires.
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